Tag password

Render A Password Input Field

Renders an HTML <input> element of type password, populated from the specified value or the specified property of the bean associated with our current form. This tag is only valid when nested inside a form tag body.

Tag Information
Tag Classorg.apache.struts.taglib.html.PasswordTag
TagExtraInfo ClassNone
Body ContentJSP
Display NameNone

accesskeyfalsetruejava.lang.StringThe keyboard character used to move focus immediately to this element.

The alternate text for this element.


The message resources key of the alternate text for this element.

bundlefalsetruejava.lang.StringThe servlet context attributes key for the MessageResources instance to use. If not specified, defaults to the application resources configured for our action servlet.
Struts 1.2.5

The direction for weak/neutral text for this element.

Struts 1.3.6
disabledfalsetruebooleanSet to true if this input field should be disabled.

Name of the bean (in any scope) under which our error messages have been stored. If not present, the name specified by the Globals.ERROR_KEY constant string will be used.

N.B. This is used in conjunction with the errorStyle, errorStyleClass and errorStyleId attributes and should be set to the same value as the name attribute on the <html:errors/> tag.

Struts 1.2.5

CSS styles to be applied to this HTML element if an error exists for it.

N.B. If present, this overrides the style attribute in the event of an error.

Struts 1.2.5

CSS stylesheet class to be applied to this HTML element if an error exists for it (renders a "class" attribute).

N.B. If present, this overrides the styleClass attribute in the event of an error.

Struts 1.2.5

Identifier to be assigned to this HTML element if an error exists for it (renders an "id" attribute).

N.B. If present, this overrides the styleId attribute in the event of an error.

Struts 1.2.5
indexedfalsetruebooleanValid only inside of logic:iterate tag. If true then name of the html tag will be rendered as "id[34].propertyName". Number in brackets will be generated for every iteration and taken from ancestor logic:iterate tag.

The language code for this element.

Struts 1.3.6
maxlengthfalsetruejava.lang.StringMaximum number of input characters to accept. [No limit]
namefalsetruejava.lang.StringThe attribute name of the bean whose properties are consulted when rendering the current value of this input field. If not specified, the bean associated with the form tag we are nested within is utilized.
onblurfalsetruejava.lang.StringJavaScript event handler executed when this element loses input focus.
onchangefalsetruejava.lang.StringJavaScript event handler executed when this element loses input focus and its value has changed.
onclickfalsetruejava.lang.StringJavaScript event handler executed when this element receives a mouse click.
ondblclickfalsetruejava.lang.StringJavaScript event handler executed when this element receives a mouse double click.
onfocusfalsetruejava.lang.StringJavaScript event handler executed when this element receives input focus.
onkeydownfalsetruejava.lang.StringJavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and a key is depressed.
onkeypressfalsetruejava.lang.StringJavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and a key is depressed and released.
onkeyupfalsetruejava.lang.StringJavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and a key is released.
onmousedownfalsetruejava.lang.StringJavaScript event handler executed when this element is under the mouse pointer and a mouse button is depressed.
onmousemovefalsetruejava.lang.StringJavaScript event handler executed when this element is under the mouse pointer and the pointer is moved.
onmouseoutfalsetruejava.lang.StringJavaScript event handler executed when this element was under the mouse pointer but the pointer was moved outside the element.
onmouseoverfalsetruejava.lang.StringJavaScript event handler executed when this element was not under the mouse pointer but the pointer is moved inside the element.
onmouseupfalsetruejava.lang.StringJavaScript event handler executed when this element is under the mouse pointer and a mouse button is released.
onselectfalsetruejava.lang.StringJavaScript event handler executed when a when a user selects some text in a text field.
Struts 1.3.10
propertytruetruejava.lang.StringName of the request parameter that will be included with this submission, set to the specified value.
readonlyfalsetruebooleanSet to true if this input field should be read only.
redisplayfalsetruebooleanBoolean flag indicating whether or not existing values will be redisplayed if they exist. Even though the redisplayed value will be shown as asterisks on the visible HTML page, the cleartext of the actual password value will be visible though the "Show Page Source" menu option of the client browser. You may wish to set this value to false on login pages. Defaults to true for consistency with all other form tags that redisplay their contents.

CSS styles to be applied to this HTML element.

N.B. If present, the errorStyle overrides this attribute in the event of an error for the element.


CSS stylesheet class to be applied to this HTML element (renders a "class" attribute).

N.B. If present, the errorStyleClass overrides this attribute in the event of an error for the element.


Identifier to be assigned to this HTML element (renders an "id" attribute).

N.B. If present, the errorStyleId overrides this attribute in the event of an error for the element.

sizefalsetruejava.lang.StringNumber of character positions to allocate. [Browser default]
tabindexfalsetruejava.lang.StringThe tab order (ascending positive integers) for this element.

The advisory title for this element.


The message resources key for the advisory title for this element.

valuefalsetruejava.lang.StringValue of the label to be placed on this button. This value will also be submitted as the value of the specified request parameter. [Body of this tag (if any)]

No Variables Defined.

Output Generated by Tag Library Documentation Generator. Java, JSP, and JavaServer Pages are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the US and other countries. Copyright 2002-4 Sun Microsystems, Inc. 4150 Network Circle Santa Clara, CA 95054, U.S.A. All Rights Reserved.