Package org.apache.struts.webapp.example2

Interface Summary
Subscription A Subscription which is stored, along with the associated User, in a UserDatabase.
User A User which is stored, along with his or her associated Subscriptions, in a UserDatabase.
UserDatabase A Data Access Object (DAO) interface describing the available operations for retrieving and storing Users (and their associated Subscriptions) in some persistence layer whose characteristics are not specified here.

Class Summary
ApplicationMapping Implementation of ActionMapping for the Struts example application.
CheckLogonTag Check for a valid User logged on in the current session.
Constants Manifest constants for the example application.
EditRegistrationAction Implementation of Action that populates an instance of RegistrationForm from the profile of the currently logged on User (if any).
EditSubscriptionAction Implementation of Action that populates an instance of SubscriptionForm from the currently specified subscription.
LinkSubscriptionTag Generate a URL-encoded hyperlink to the specified URI, with associated query parameters selecting a specified Subscription.
LinkUserTag Generate a URL-encoded hyperlink to the specified URI, with associated query parameters selecting a specified User.
LoggedOff Backing bean for the loggedoff.jsp page.
LoggedOn Backing bean for the loggedon.jsp page.
LogoffAction Implementation of Action that processes a user logoff.
LogonAction Implementation of Action that validates a user logon.
LogonForm Form bean for the user profile page.
RegistrationBacking Backing bean for the registration.jsp page.
RegistrationForm Form bean for the user registration page.
SaveRegistrationAction Implementation of Action that validates and creates or updates the user registration information entered by the user.
SaveSubscriptionAction Implementation of Action that validates and creates or updates the mail subscription entered by the user.
SubscriptionForm Form bean for the user profile page.

Exception Summary
ExpiredPasswordException Example of an application-specific exception for which a handler can be configured.

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